Author | Barlow |
Submission date | 2013-12-05 02:38:11.636343 |
Rating | 1814 |
Matches played | 650 |
Win rate | 18.46 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
Barlow Q Odin
written 12/4/2013
added several different strategies
import random
if not input:
#setup stage
beats = {'P': 'S', 'S': 'R', 'R':'P'}
my_history = "" #historys are strings of previous choices
opp_history = ""
hind_sight = 6
strats = ["pattern", "Rock", "Scissor", "Paper", "Lizard", "Spock", "Dynamite", "Zombie"]
strat_stat = {"pattern": 0, "Rock": 0, "Scissor": 0, "Paper": 0, "Lizard": 0, "Spock": 0, "Shotgun": 0, "Jellyfish": 0, "Dynamite": 0, "Zombie": 0}
#Possible strategies:
#pattern is pure pattern matching
#Rock is fixed Rock
#Scissor is fixed Scissor
#Paper is fixed paper
#Lizard is Anti-Rotation of my previous
#Spock is Rotation of my previous
#Shotgun is Anti-Rotation of opponent's previous
#Jellyfish is Rotation of opponent's previous
#Dynamite is Random
#Zombie is Decayed Frequency Count
frequency = {'P': 0, 'S': 0, 'R': 0}
current_strat = random.choice(strats)
output = random.choice(['R','P','S'])
elif len(my_history) % 17 == 0: #random choice every so often
current_strat = "Dynamite"
last_move = output
last_opp_move = input
if beats[input] == output: #won
won = True
else: #tie/loss
won = False
if won:
strat_stat[current_strat] += 1
strat_stat[current_strat] = 0
new_strat_cost = 0
for possible in strat_stat:
if strat_stat[possible] > new_strat_cost:
current_strat = possible
new_strat_cost = strat_stat[possible]
for item in strat_stat:
strat_stat[item] = 0.95 * strat_stat[item] #Decay all strategy's score
frequency[input] += 1
for item in frequency:
frequency[item] = 0.93 * frequency[item] #Decay all frequencies
my_history += output #concat my previous choice to my history
opp_history += input #concat opponent's previous choice to their history
predict = {'P': 0, 'S': 0, 'R': 0}
counter = 1
if len(my_history) < 500: #only look at the last 500 matches for history
begin = 0
begin = len(my_history)-500
while counter <= hind_sight:
current_my_match = my_history[-counter:] #my recent choices
current_opp_match = opp_history[-counter:] #opponent recent choices
while begin <= len(my_history) - counter: #step through history strings until loop reaches current length of recent choices
if current_my_match == my_history[begin:begin+counter] and current_opp_match == opp_history[begin:begin+counter]: #compare recent choices to previous history
predict[opp_history[begin+counter+1]] += counter * (len(my_history) - begin) / len(my_history) #if similar decision path is found, increment prediction based on amount of recent choices that were matched
if predict['R'] > predict['S'] and predict['R'] > predict['P']:
prediction = 'R'
elif predict['S'] > predict['P'] and predict['S'] > predict['R']:
prediction = 'S'
prediction = 'P'
if current_strat == "pattern":
output = prediction
elif current_strat == "Rock":
output = 'R'
elif current_strat == "Scissor":
output = 'S'
elif current_strat == "Paper":
output = 'P'
elif current_strat == "Lizard":
output = beats[beats[last_move]]
elif current_strat == "Spock":
output = beats[last_move]
elif current_strat == "Shotgun":
output = beats[beats[last_opp_move]]
elif current_strat == "Jellyfish":
output = beats[last_opp_move]
elif current_strat == "Dynamite":
output = random.choice(['R','P','S'])
elif current_strat == "Zombie":
best = 0
for item in frequency:
if frequency[item] > best:
best = frequency[item]
output = item
output = "P" #choose paper as default, just cause it's paper and awesome