Author | bayesian_misuse_20 |
Submission date | 2011-07-10 21:29:40.613487 |
Rating | 5602 |
Matches played | 4676 |
Win rate | 58.75 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
import copy
import random
This is a very simplistic model.
Will try something more complex and interesting next.
moves = ["R", "P", "S"]
beats = {"P":"S", "S":"R", "R":"P"}
class SuffixTrie(object):
Suffix Trie data structure that is used to hold the used sequences
rock paper and scissors.
def __init__(self):
self.root = {'count':0}
def insert_sequence(self, sequence):
Inserts the sequence in the list sequence into the suffix trie.
current = self.root
current['count'] += 1
for s in sequence:
current = current[str(s)]
current['count'] += 1
except KeyError:
current[str(s)] = {'count':1, 'value':s}
current = current[str(s)]
def delete_sequence(self, sequence):
Removes the sequence from the trie and updates the counts.
current = self.root
for s in sequence:
current = current[str(s)]
except KeyError:
word_count = current['count']
current = self.root
current['count'] -= word_count
for s in sequence:
current = current[str(s)]
current['count'] -= word_count
if current['count'] <= 0:
del current
def get_count(self, subseq=[]):
Returns the total number of insertions into the suffix trie that begin
with the subsequence subseq. If the subsequence [] is used then it
will return the number of sequences in the list.
if subseq == []:
return self.root['count']
current = self.root
for s in subseq:
current = current[str(s)]
except KeyError:
return 0
return current['count']
def cond_prob(seq, st):
Returns the probability of the move given that the sequence.
l = []
probabilities = []
seq_count = st.get_count(seq)
if seq_count == 0:
return (0, 0, 0,)
for s in seq:
for m in moves:
move_count = st.get_count(l)
probabilities.append(float(move_count) / seq_count)
l.pop(len(l) - 1)
return probabilities
#pring 'other picked %s\n' % input
if input == "":
st = SuffixTrie()
sequence = []
output = moves[random.randint(0, 2)]
window = 20 #4 seems like a good number
if len(sequence) > window:
current = sequence[-(window - 1):]
probs = cond_prob(current, st)
r = probs[0]
p = probs[1]
s = probs[2]
#pring 'r: %f' % r
#pring 'p: %f' % p
#pring 's: %f' % s
if r > s and r > p:
output = beats["R"]
elif s > p and s > r:
output = beats["S"]
elif p > s and p > r:
output = beats["P"]
output = moves[random.randint(0, 2)]
output = moves[random.randint(0, 2)]
#pring 'I pick %s' %output