Author | Ash and Al |
Submission date | 2014-04-19 15:12:25.686442 |
Rating | 5830 |
Matches played | 602 |
Win rate | 53.99 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
# Rock paper scissors AI
# In this version I would like to introduce a way to resize the history window
# dynamically to improve performance - Alex
import random
if not input:
l_move = ['R', 'P', 'S']
l_allhistoricmoves = []
l_historicmoves = []
# beating dictionary
# matrix lookup
d_matrix = {'R': 0, 'P': 1, 'S': 2}
# index to move dict
d_matrixinv = {0: 'R', 1: 'P', 2: 'S'}
HistoryLen = 50 # Default value.
timeSinceLastWindowChange = 0
timeInEachWindow = 1 # How frequently it changes window. It seems 1 works best - makes it very hard to predict.
output = random.choice(l_move)
# need atleast 100 stored to act
if len(l_historicmoves) < HistoryLen:
output = random.choice(l_move)
timeSinceLastWindowChange += 1
tooShort = False
# Is it time to change window size?
if timeSinceLastWindowChange == timeInEachWindow:
HistoryLen = random.randint(10, 100)
timeSinceLastWindowChange = 0
# If the historicmoves list is too long then truncate it...
lenDiff = len(l_historicmoves) - HistoryLen
if lenDiff > 0:
del l_historicmoves[:lenDiff]
elif lenDiff < 0: # Need more data for this window!
output = random.choice(l_move)
tooShort = True
if not tooShort:
# based on what they have played and is stored in our history list. We can predict.
# e.g. if list has R -> R 5 times, then convert this into an probability element in the STM
l_historicmoves.pop(0) # will only have 100 to analyse at one time
# introduce STM
STM = [[0.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,0.0,0.0]] # each element will initially serve as a counter and then will be percentaged
for i in range(0, HistoryLen - 1):
row = d_matrix.get(l_historicmoves[i]) # are we in row R, P or S of our matrix at this index?
col = d_matrix.get(l_historicmoves[i + 1]) # which column (column based on next move)
STM[row][col] += 1 # populate counters
# normalise (each row adds up to one)
for i in range(0, 3):
rowsum = sum(STM[i]) # sum up elements of this row
if rowsum == 0: # special case
STM[i][i] = 1
for j in range(0, 3):
STM[i][j] /= rowsum # directly divide each element of the matrix
# now use the STM to predict the opponents next move
# simple solution
# need to know opponents last move, then select highest probability in that moves row and act on it
MaxProb = max(STM[d_matrix.get(input)])
OpponentMoveIndex = 0
for i, element in enumerate(STM[d_matrix.get(input)]):
if MaxProb == element:
OpponentMoveIndex = i
OppenentsMove = d_matrixinv.get(OpponentMoveIndex)
output = d_beat.get(OppenentsMove)