Author | Nallo |
Submission date | 2011-07-14 17:04:03.645149 |
Rating | 7682 |
Matches played | 4146 |
Win rate | 73.88 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
#learnrates are now dynamical
#we start with high learn rates and change them depending on performance
#TODO change learn rule so it is easier to add inputnodes
#without spoiling convergence of weights
if input == "":
import random
import math
class NN(object):
#high leranrates spoil counter strategy bots
#but diminish ability to learn simple strategy bots
learnrate = {"win": 0.4, "tie": 0.8, "loss": 0.8}
def __init__(self, ins):
#number of nodes = ins = 3
#init activations
self.ia = [0] *
self.oa = [0] *
#init weights
#initial weights should be below 3/
self.weights = [[random.uniform(0, 3./ for i in range(]
for j in range(]
def feed(self, inps):
self.ia = inps
self.oa = [sum(self.weights[j][i] * self.ia[i]
for i in range(
for j in range(]
return self.oa
def train(self, target, result_last_round):
#hebb learning rule
#factor of 1/*3 is there to ensure output
#in range 0,1 if lernrates are < 1
#and inputs are 1 for every third inputnode
#maybe important for convergence
learnrate = self.learnrate[result_last_round]
error = map(lambda x, y: x - y, target, self.oa)
for i in range(
for j in range(
self.weights[j][i] += (learnrate * error[j] * self.ia[i] / * 3)
repr_lookup = {"R": [1, 0, 0], "S": [0, 1, 0], "P" : [0, 0, 1]}
result = {"RS": "win", "SP": "win", "PR": "win",
"RR": "tie", "SS": "tie", "PP": "tie",
"SR": "loss", "PS": "loss", "RP": "loss"}
score_change = {"win": 1, "tie": 0, "loss": -1}
num_moves = 5 #number of recent rounds the neurons get to see
nn = NN(num_moves * 6)
history = "RP" * num_moves
counter = 0
score = 0
def moves_to_repr(moves):
nninput = []
for c in moves:
nninput += repr_lookup[c]
return nninput
def repr_to_move(nnoutput):
ciphers = "RSP"
index = max(enumerate(nnoutput), key=lambda x:x[1])[0]
return ciphers[index]
def feedneurons():
inps = moves_to_repr(history[-2 * num_moves:])
ourmove = nn.feed(inps)
return repr_to_move(ourmove)
def trainneurons():
win = dict(zip("RSP", "PRS"))
target = moves_to_repr(win[history[-1]])
last_round = history[-2:]
nn.train(target, result[last_round])
output = feedneurons()
history += output
history += input
counter += 1
score += score_change[result[history[-2:]]]
if counter % 10 == 0:
if score >= 4: #everything is fine
NN.learnrate = {"win": 0.01, "tie": 0.2, "loss": 0.5}
elif score >= 0: #no trouble but not great either
NN.learnrate = {"win": 0.1, "tie": 0.4, "loss": 0.6}
elif score >= -2: #we are loosing ... time for drastic measures
NN.learnrate = {"win": 0.1, "tie": 0.75, "loss": 0.75}
else: #we cant beat that beast ... go to almost random play
#we are learning so fast we almost forget what we know
NN.learnrate = {"win": 0.2, "tie": 0.95, "loss": 0.95}
score = 0
output = feedneurons()
history += output