Author | zxytim |
Submission date | 2014-05-03 06:11:13.671274 |
Rating | 4125 |
Matches played | 619 |
Win rate | 48.3 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# $File:
# $Date: Sat May 03 14:08:59 2014 +0800
# $Author: Xinyu Zhou <zxytim[at]gmail[dot]com>
if input == '':
from collections import defaultdict
import random
# let O denote opponent, S denote self
# (O_1, M_1, O_2) -> count
cnt_oppo = defaultdict(int)
# (O_1, M_1, M_2) -> count
cnt_self = defaultdict(int)
last_oppo = None
last_self = None
# history of all moves
history = ''
beat = dict(R='P', P='S', S='R')
def play(s):
global output, history, last_self, cnt_self
if not (last_self is None):
cnt_self[last_self + last_oppo + s] += 1
last_self = output = s
history += s
def get_prob_O2(O, MO):
return cnt_oppo[MO + O]
def get_prob_M2(M, MO):
return cnt_self[MO + M]
def get_prob_O4(O, MOMO):
return get_prob_O2(O, MOMO[:2]) * get_prob_O2(MOMO[1], MOMO[2:]) * \
get_prob_M2(MOMO[0], MOMO[2:])
def get_prob_M4(O, MOMO):
return get_prob_M2(O, MOMO[:2]) * get_prob_M2(MOMO[1], MOMO[2:]) * \
get_prob_O2(MOMO[0], MOMO[2:])
def get_max_idx(vec):
m = max(vec)
idx = [i for i in range(3) if vec[i] == m]
return random.choice(idx)
def result(me, other):
global beat
if me == other:
return 0
if me == beat[other]:
return 1
return -1
def log(s):
# with open('/tmp/test', 'a') as fout:
# print >> fout, str(s)
def make_move():
global history
# P(O_3 | M_1 O_1 M_2 O_2)
if len(history) >= 4:
# oppo = map(lambda s: get_prob_O4(s, history[-4:]), 'RPS')
# self = map(lambda s: get_prob_M4(s, history[-4:]), 'RPS')
oppo = map(lambda s: get_prob_O2(s, history[-2:]), 'RPS')
self = map(lambda s: get_prob_M2(s, history[-2:]), 'RPS')
ps = []
for i in range(3):
p = 0.0
me = self[i]
for j in range(3):
other = oppo[j]
p += result('RPS'[i], 'RPS'[j]) * other
# log(ps)
# log(get_max_idx(ps))
return 'RPS'[get_max_idx(ps)]
return random.choice('RPS')
if last_oppo != None and last_self != None:
cnt_oppo[last_self + last_oppo + input] += 1
history += input
last_oppo = input
# vim: foldmethod=marker