Author | gaiasabre11 |
Submission date | 2011-05-22 05:03:46.947802 |
Rating | 6703 |
Matches played | 7127 |
Win rate | 65.24 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
import math
import random
r = random.randrange(0,100)
if not input:
lloutput = 'P'
loutput = output = 'P'
num = 0;
prob = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
olast = 0
ilast = 0
if num<3:
output = 'P'
elif input == {'R':'P','P':'S','S':'R'}[lloutput]:
output = {'R':'S','P':'R','S':'P'}[loutput]
elif input == {'R':'S','P':'R','S':'P'}[lloutput]:
output = {'R':'R','P':'P','S':'S'}[loutput]
elif input == {'R':'R','P':'P','S':'S'}[lloutput]:
output = {'R':'P','P':'S','S':'R'}[loutput]
ilast = {'R':0, 'P':1, 'S':2}[input]
ind = 6*oprev + 2*iprev
prob[ind] *= 0.95
prob[ind+1] *= 0.95
if ilast < 2:
prob[ind+ilast] += 0.05
lloutput = loutput
loutput = output
ind = 6*olast + 2*ilast
rateR = math.exp(5*(1-prob[ind]-2*prob[ind+1]))
rateP = math.exp(5*(2*prob[ind]+prob[ind+1]-1))
rateS = math.exp(5*(prob[ind+1]-prob[ind]))
randNum = random.random()*(rateR+rateP+rateS)
if randNum < rateR and r<50:
output = "R"
elif randNum < rateR+rateP and r<50:
output = "P"
elif r<50:
output = "S"
elif r>=50 and r<60:
move = random.randrange(0,3)
if move == 1:
output = "R"
elif move == 2:
output = "P"
output = "S"
oprev = olast
iprev = ilast
olast = {'R':0, 'P':1, 'S':2}[output]