Author | BASTER |
Submission date | 2016-12-28 19:07:49.480315 |
Rating | 4987 |
Matches played | 397 |
Win rate | 50.88 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
import itertools
import re
from random import randint
global HTH, rounds, AIwins, humanWins, draws, choiceArr, threeCharCount
HTH = ""
rounds = 0
AIwins = 0
humanWins = 0
draws = 0
choiceArr = ["R","P","S"]
threeCharCount = [0,0,0]
#for finding indices where substrings begin
def find_substring(substring, string):
Returns list of indices where substring begins in string
find_substring('me', "The cat says meow, meow")
[13, 19]
indices = []
index = -1 # Begin at -1 so index + 1 is 0
while True:
# Find next index of substring, by starting search from index + 1
index = string.find(substring, index + 1)
if index == -1:
break # All occurrences have been found
return indices
#finds largest indices in list
def maxelements(seq):
''' Return list of position(s) of largest element '''
max_indices = []
if seq:
max_val = seq[0]
for i,val in ((i,val) for i,val in enumerate(seq) if val >= max_val):
if val == max_val:
max_val = val
max_indices = [i]
return max_indices
#gets the AI throw, based on several factors
def getAIThrow():
#first: get last three characters of HTH and pattern match it
lastChars = HTH[-3:]
tpIndices = find_substring(lastChars, HTH)
threeCharCount = [0,0,0]
for sIndex in tpIndices:
nextIndex = sIndex + 3;
if nextIndex < (len(HTH)):
if HTH[nextIndex] == 'R':
if HTH[nextIndex] == 'P':
if HTH[nextIndex] == 'S':
#find largest index of three char count and choose it as next throw
#if tie, choose from them at random
mostThrownThree = maxelements(threeCharCount)
mttLen = len(mostThrownThree)
if mttLen == 1:
choice = choiceArr[mostThrownThree[0]]
if choice == "R":
return "P"
if choice == "S":
return "R"
if choice == "P":
return "S"
if mttLen == 2:
preChoice = randint(0,1)
choice = choiceArr[preChoice]
if choice == "R":
return "P"
if choice == "S":
return "R"
if choice == "P":
return "S"
if mttLen == 3:
preChoice = randint(0,2)
choice = choiceArr[preChoice]
if choice == "R":
return "P"
if choice == "S":
return "R"
if choice == "P":
return "S"
if input == '':
output = choiceArr[randint(0,2)]
if len(HTH) <= 5:
output = choiceArr[randint(0,2)]
AIThrow = getAIThrow()
output = AIThrow