Author | Alexey Lebedev |
Submission date | 2012-07-26 12:03:06.753765 |
Rating | 6470 |
Matches played | 799 |
Win rate | 65.58 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
import random
possible_moves = ['R', 'P', 'S']
def player(my, opp):
return detect_pattern(opp) or \
detect_local_skew(opp) or \
def beat_move(move):
return possible_moves[(possible_moves.index(move) + 1) % 3]
def detect_pattern(moves, frame=50, maxlen=15):
if len(moves) < frame:
return False
moves = moves[-frame:]
for i in range(1, maxlen):
if all(moves[j] == moves[j - i] for j in range(i, frame)):
return beat_move(moves[-i])
return False
def detect_local_skew(moves):
if len(moves) < 100:
return False
moves = moves[-100:]
last = moves[-1]
nexts = [moves[i+1] for i, m in enumerate(moves[:-1]) if m == last]
# just enough to do some inference
if len(nexts) > 15:
expected_prob = len(nexts) / 3.0
skew = sum([abs(expected_prob - nexts.count(move)) for move in possible_moves])
# 10% false positives
if skew > 10:
return beat_move(random.choice(nexts))
if input == "":
my = []
opp = []
output = player(my, opp)