Author | flug |
Submission date | 2019-06-04 00:16:13.250417 |
Rating | 1323 |
Matches played | 234 |
Win rate | 13.68 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
#Giveaway version 4
#Trying to lose as many rounds as possible and get to the bottom of the leaderboard
#This is difficult already with some of the (inadvertantly?) really bad RPS programs out there
#But it could get much more difficult fast if any clever folks start
#really trying to be bad
#BADCHOICES algorithm is based on "Really losing program" by Gandaro
#Submission date 2011-06-29 19:55:29.758877
import random
#rand = random.SystemRandom()
#choice1 = random.choice(["1","2","3"])
debug = 0
output = ""
"R": "S",
"P": "R",
"S": "P"
if input == "":
saveinput = ""
saveoutput = ""
strategiestried = 0
currConstant = random.choice(["S","P","R"])
strategynamesall = ["constantr","constantp","constants", "mirror", "repeat", "badchoices", "random"]
strategynamespick = ["badchoices","mirror", "repeat", "constantr","constantp","constants","random"]
#strategynamespick = ["mirror", "repeat", "badchoices", "random"]
#choice1 = random.choice(strategynamespick)
choice1 = "badchoices"
if (debug == 1): print "STARTING: ", choice1, rounds
winlist = []
strategylist = []
winsperstrategylist = dict.fromkeys(strategynamesall,0)
roundsperstrategylist = dict.fromkeys(strategynamesall,0)
badcount = {}
badcount['R'] = badcount['P'] = badcount['S'] = 0
rounds += 1;
badcount[input] += 1
#if (choice1 == ""):
# choice1 = "constant"
roundsperstrategylist[choice1] += 1
if saveoutput==input:
draw += 1
winsperstrategylist[choice1] += 0
elif (input == "R" and saveoutput == "S") or (input == "S" and saveoutput == "P") or (input == "P" and saveoutput == "R"):
lost += 1
winsperstrategylist[choice1] += -1
won += 1
winsperstrategylist[choice1] += 1
# Change the constant answer periodically
if (rounds % 67 == 0):
currConstant = random.choice(["S","P","R"])
recents = 35
minChange = 35
decisionPoint = -1
recentTot = 0
origChoice = choice1
initialRounds = (minChange+1) * len(strategynamespick)
#if (debug == 1): print initialRounds
if (hold == 0 and rounds - lastChange > minChange):
for x in range(recents):
if (rounds-x>0):
recentTot += winlist[rounds-x]
#if (debug == 1): print "rdrlm: ", recentTot, decisionPoint, rounds, lastChange, minChange
if (recentTot > decisionPoint):
if (strategiestried < len(strategynamespick) - 1 ):
#print "strategiestried: ", strategiestried, len(strategynamespick)
if (strategynamespick.index(choice1) + 1 < len(strategynamespick)):
choice1 = strategynamespick[strategynamespick.index(choice1) + 1]
strategiestried += 1
#choice2 = choice1
#x = 0
#tries = len(strategynamespick)*10.
#while choice1 == choice2 and x < tries:
# choice2 = random.choice(strategynamespick)
# if roundsperstrategylist[choice2]>5: choice2=choice1
# x+=1
if (debug == 1): print "SELECTING NEXT TRIAL STRATEGY: ", choice1, rounds
choice2 = random.choice(strategynamespick)
for n in strategynamespick:
if (roundsperstrategylist[n] >= minChange) and (roundsperstrategylist[choice2] < 1 or float(winsperstrategylist[n])/float(roundsperstrategylist[n]) <= float(winsperstrategylist[choice2])/float(roundsperstrategylist[choice2])):
if (debug == 1): print n, choice2, ": ", roundsperstrategylist[n], roundsperstrategylist[choice2], float(winsperstrategylist[n])/float(roundsperstrategylist[n]), float(winsperstrategylist[choice2])/float(roundsperstrategylist[choice2])
choice2 = n
choice1 = choice2
if (debug == 1): print "CHANGING STRATEGICALLY: ", choice1, rounds
if (debug == 1): print winsperstrategylist
if (debug == 1): print roundsperstrategylist
#choice1 = "constant"
##OR if we have a decent little loss buildup, we just try to hold it
#if (hold == 1 or won < (lost - 150) or (rounds > 500 and won < (lost - 40))):
if (hold == 1 or won < (lost - 25) or (rounds > 500 and won < (lost - 15))):
choice1 = "random"
if hold == 0:
if (debug == 1): print rounds, won, lost, draw
if (debug == 1): print "HOLDING: ", choice1, rounds
hold = 1
##getting too close for comfort, switch back to losing
if (hold == 1 and won > (lost - 5)):
choice2 = random.choice(strategynamespick)
for n in strategynamespick:
nsuccess = 0
if ( roundsperstrategylist[n] != 0):
nsuccess = float(winsperstrategylist[n])/float(roundsperstrategylist[n])
csuccess = 0
if roundsperstrategylist[choice2] != 0:
if (roundsperstrategylist[n] >= minChange) and (roundsperstrategylist[choice2] < 1 or nsuccess <= csuccess):
if (debug == 1): print n, choice2, ": ", roundsperstrategylist[n], roundsperstrategylist[choice2], nsuccess, csuccess
choice2 = n
choice1 = choice2
if (debug == 1): print "LEAVING HOLD STRATEGICALLY: ", choice1, rounds
if (debug == 1): print winsperstrategylist
if (debug == 1): print roundsperstrategylist
hold = 0
#switch = random.choice([0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1])
#if (debug == 1): print choice1
## Just keep outputting the same response each time
# Most bots trying to win should beat this handily
# But it would be easily defeated by another giveaway bot
if choice1 == "constantr":
if random.randint(0,6)==1:
output = "R"
else: output = random.choice(["R","P","S"])
elif choice1 == "constantp":
if random.randint(0,6)==1:
output = "P"
else: output = random.choice(["R","P","S"])
elif choice1 == "constants":
if random.randint(0,6)==1:
output = "S"
else: output = random.choice(["R","P","S"])
##Mirror the opponent's move back to them one move later
# This seems to lose badly to any bot trying to win at all
elif choice1 == "mirror":
if (input == ""):
output = currConstant
output = input
## Repeat a simple pattern
elif choice1 == "repeat":
if (saveoutput == "R"):
output = "P"
elif (saveoutput == "P"):
output = "S"
elif (saveoutput == "S"):
output = "R"
output = random.choice(["R","P","S"])
elif choice1 == "badchoices":
for name, num in badcount.iteritems():
if num == max(badcount.itervalues()):
bad_mostly_used = name
output = BADCHOICES[bad_mostly_used]
## If we're losing badly enough we can switch to random mode and no one should
# be able to recover and beat us
elif choice1 == "random":
output = random.choice(["R","P","S"])
print "HELPME!"
output = currConstant
#if choice1 == "5":
# if (input == "" or switch == 1): output = random.choice(["R","R","R","R","P","S"])
# else: output = input
#if choice1 == "6":
# if (input == "" or switch == 1): output = random.choice(["R","P","P","P","P","S"])
# else: output = input
#if choice1 == "7":
# if (input == "" or switch == 1): output = random.choice(["R","P","S","S","S","S"])
# else: output = input
#if (debug == 1): print "hwld:" , hold, won, lost, draw
#if (debug == 1): print "choice1: ", choice1
#if (debug == 1): print "currConstant: ", currConstant
#if (debug == 1): print "Output: ", output
if (rounds % 999 == 0 and rounds > 1):
#if (debug == 1): print '[%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, strategylist))
#if (debug == 1): print ("Giveaway strategies: ", strategylist)
if (debug == 1): print winsperstrategylist
if (debug == 1): print roundsperstrategylist
if (debug == 1): print "END:", rounds, won, lost, draw
if (won>lost and debug == 1): print "WON\n"
elif (debug == 1): print "LOST\n"
saveinput = input
saveoutput = output