Author | Victor S |
Submission date | 2016-06-16 23:56:05.193982 |
Rating | 6956 |
Matches played | 419 |
Win rate | 68.74 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
from __future__ import division
import random as rnd
def checkGame(x, y): #x is my program, y is opponent program
if x == 'R' and y == 'S' or x == 'P' and y == 'R' or x == 'S' and y == 'P':
return 1
elif x == y:
return 0
return -1
####################VARIABLES USED IN PROGRAM########################
k0 = .995
k1 = .98 #exponential factor
RPS_dic = 'RPS'
if input == '':
x_list = [] #x_list[i] denotes throw at time -i. i = 0 denotes most recent throw
y_list = []
switch = 0
for i in range(0,3):
x_list.append( RPS_dic[rnd.randint(0,2)] )
y_list.append( RPS_dic[rnd.randint(0,2)] )
r_count, p_count, s_count = 0, 0, 0
if input != '':
y_list.insert(0, input)
#compute EMA for opponent history if switch == 0
if switch == 0:
for i in range( 0, len(y_list)-3 ):
if y_list[i+1] == y_list[0] and y_list[i+2] == y_list[1] and y_list[i+3] == y_list[2]:
if y_list[i] == 'R':
r_count += k0**i
elif y_list[i] == 'P':
p_count += k0**i
elif y_list[i] == 'S':
s_count += k0**i
elif switch == 1:
for i in range( 0, len(y_list)-2 ):
if y_list[i+1] == y_list[0] and y_list[i+2] == y_list[1] and x_list[i+1] == x_list[0]:
if y_list[i] == 'R':
r_count += k1**i
elif y_list[i] == 'P':
p_count += k1**i
elif y_list[i] == 'S':
s_count += k1**i
pay_distribution = [s_count - p_count, r_count - s_count, p_count - r_count]
if pay_distribution[0] == 0 and pay_distribution[1] == 0 and pay_distribution[2] == 0:
output = RPS_dic[ rnd.randint(0,2) ]
output = RPS_dic[ pay_distribution.index( max(pay_distribution) ) ]
temp = checkGame(output, input)
if temp == 1:
switch = 0
elif temp == 0:
switch = 0
elif temp == -1:
switch = 1
x_list.insert(0, output)