Author | ffasdfasdf |
Submission date | 2018-06-30 16:26:15.308737 |
Rating | 7553 |
Matches played | 291 |
Win rate | 74.91 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
# same as dllu1_defensive, but with more randomness
import random
numPre = 30
numMeta = 6
if not input:
limit = 8
beat = {'R': 'P', 'P': 'S', 'S': 'R'}
moves = ['', '', '', '']
pScore = [[5] * numPre, [5] * numPre, [5] * numPre, [5] * numPre, [5] * numPre, [5] * numPre]
centrifuge = {'RP': 0, 'PS': 1, 'SR': 2, 'PR': 3, 'SP': 4, 'RS': 5, 'RR': 6, 'PP': 7, 'SS': 8}
centripete = {'R': 0, 'P': 1, 'S': 2}
soma = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
rps = [1, 1, 1];
a = "RPS"
best = [0, 0, 0];
length = 0
p = [random.choice("RPS")] * numPre
m = [random.choice("RPS")] * numMeta
mScore = [5, 2, 5, 2, 4, 2]
dithering = 0.7
for i in range(numPre):
pp = p[i]
bpp = beat[pp]
bbpp = beat[bpp]
pScore[0][i] = 0.9 * pScore[0][i] + ((input == pp) - (input == bbpp)) * 3
pScore[1][i] = 0.9 * pScore[1][i] + ((output == pp) - (output == bbpp)) * 3
pScore[2][i] = 0.87 * pScore[2][i] + (input == pp) * 3.3 - (input == bpp) * 1.2 - (input == bbpp) * 2.3
pScore[3][i] = 0.87 * pScore[3][i] + (output == pp) * 3.3 - (output == bpp) * 1.2 - (output == bbpp) * 2.3
pScore[4][i] = (pScore[4][i] + (input == pp) * 3) * (1 - (input == bbpp))
pScore[5][i] = (pScore[5][i] + (output == pp) * 3) * (1 - (output == bbpp))
for i in range(numMeta):
mScore[i] = 0.96 * (mScore[i] + (input == m[i]) - (input == beat[beat[m[i]]])) + (
random.random() - 0.5) * dithering
soma[centrifuge[input + output]] += 1;
rps[centripete[input]] += 1;
moves[0] += str(centrifuge[input + output])
moves[1] += input
moves[2] += output
length += 1
for y in range(3):
j = min([length, limit])
while j >= 1 and not moves[y][length - j:length] in moves[y][0:length - 1]:
j -= 1
i = moves[y].rfind(moves[y][length - j:length], 0, length - 1)
p[0 + 2 * y] = moves[1][j + i]
p[1 + 2 * y] = beat[moves[2][j + i]]
j = min([length, limit])
while j >= 2 and not moves[0][length - j:length - 1] in moves[0][0:length - 2]:
j -= 1
i = moves[0].rfind(moves[0][length - j:length - 1], 0, length - 2)
if j + i >= length:
p[6] = p[7] = random.choice("RPS")
p[6] = moves[1][j + i]
p[7] = beat[moves[2][j + i]]
best[0] = soma[centrifuge[output + 'R']] * rps[0] / rps[centripete[output]]
best[1] = soma[centrifuge[output + 'P']] * rps[1] / rps[centripete[output]]
best[2] = soma[centrifuge[output + 'S']] * rps[2] / rps[centripete[output]]
p[8] = p[9] = a[best.index(max(best))]
for i in range(10, numPre):
p[i] = beat[beat[p[i - 10]]]
for i in range(0, numMeta, 2):
m[i] = p[pScore[i].index(max(pScore[i]))]
m[i + 1] = beat[p[pScore[i + 1].index(max(pScore[i + 1]))]]
output = beat[m[mScore.index(max(mScore))]]
if max(mScore) < 3 + random.random() or random.randint(3, 40) > length or random.random() < 0.5:
output = beat[random.choice("RPS")]