Author | bandit |
Submission date | 2015-12-08 08:11:16.150531 |
Rating | 6472 |
Matches played | 452 |
Win rate | 67.7 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
# Inspired from the submission 'rfinds'
import random
from collections import defaultdict
if input == "":
fullHistory1 = ""
fullHistory2 = ""
rps = ['R', 'P', 'S']
counterMove = {'R':'P', 'P':'S', 'S':'R'}
counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
agent = opponent = ""
output = random.choice(rps)
if (random.choice([0,1]) == 0):
if output != "":
fullHistory1 += input + output
for length in range(min(30, len(fullHistory1)-2), 0, -2):
string = fullHistory1[-length:]
index = fullHistory1.rfind(string, 0, -2)
if index != -1:
predictedMove = fullHistory1[index + length]
output = counterMove[predictedMove]
output = random.choice(rps)
fullHistory2 += input+output
counts[agent+opponent+input] += 1
for length in range(min(14, len(fullHistory2)-2), 0, -2):
string = fullHistory2[-length:]
lastFoundIndex = fullHistory2.rfind(string, 0, -2)
if lastFoundIndex != -1:
agent = fullHistory2[lastFoundIndex+length+1]
opponent = fullHistory2[lastFoundIndex+length]
movePredictions = [counts[agent+opponent+move] for move in rps]
predictedMove = rps[movePredictions.index(max(movePredictions))]
output = counterMove[predictedMove]