
AuthorEmmanuel Harish Menon
Submission date2019-05-31 21:10:18.249648
Matches played229
Win rate46.72

Use to play unranked matches on your computer.

Source code:

Program Name: IocainePowder_SubmissionCode[v1].py
Written By: Emmanuel Harish Menon
Last Updated: 7:09 AM on 1/6/19

Iocaine Powder was originally conceived by Dan Egnor for the First International RoShamBo Programming Competition. This is program is merely my interpretation of the explanation he provided on his website. 
#import modules
import random
import operator

output = ""

#counts number of plays
playCounter = {"R": 0, "P": 0, "S": 0}
#counts wins for each predictive algorithm
winTypeCounter = {"random": 0, "freq2": 0, "freq5": 0, "freq10": 0, "freq100": 0, "freq1000": 0, "history2": 0, "history5": 0, "history10": 0, "history100": 0, "history1000": 0}

#stores meta strategy names, makes it easier to iterate through stat dictionary
metaStratList = ["naive", "secondGuess", "thirdGuess", "oppNaive", "oppSecondGuess", "oppThirdGuess"]

#stores stats for each predictive algorithm's meta strategy (I'm almost certain there is a better way to do this)
randomStats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}

freqStats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}
freq2Stats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}
freq5Stats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}
freq10Stats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}
freq100Stats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}
freq1000Stats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}

history2Stats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}
history5Stats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}
history10Stats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}
history100Stats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}
history1000Stats = {"naive": 0, "secondGuess": 0, "thirdGuess": 0, "oppNaive": 0, "oppSecondGuess": 0, "oppThirdGuess": 0}

#list of moves to play to win
winningMoves = {"R": "P", "P": "S", "S": "R"}
#list of choices
choices = ["R", "P", "S"]

#stores opponents move history
oppMoveHistory = []
#stores bot's move history
myMoveHistory = []

#counts number of plays
numPlays = 1

#returns the key of the largest value in dictionary
def returnDictMax(dictionary):
    return max(dictionary.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

#metastrategy, origin is used to determine which of the dictionaries the program should use to pick its strategy
def metaStrategy(oppPick, origin = ""):
    def naive():
        return winningMoves[oppPick]
    def secondGuess():
        return winningMoves[winningMoves[naive()]]
    def thirdGuess():
        return winningMoves[winningMoves[secondGuess()]]
    def oppNaive():
        return winningMoves[naive()]
    def oppSecondGuess():
        return winningMoves[secondGuess()]
    def oppThirdGuess():
        return winningMoves[thirdGuess()]

    #returns a winning value
    def decisionMaker(dictMax):
        if dictMax == "naive":
            return naive()
        elif dictMax == "secondGuess":
            return secondGuess()
        elif dictMax == "thirdGuess":
            return thirdGuess()
        elif dictMax == "oppNaive":
            return oppNaive()
        elif dictMax == "oppSecondGuess":
            return oppSecondGuess()
        elif dictMax == "oppThirdGuess":
            return oppThirdGuess()

    #this just simplifies the code below
    def picker(dictMax):
        if dictMax != 0:
            pick = decisionMaker(dictMax)
            pick = choices[random.randint(0, 2)]
        return pick
    #if the function is being run from the randomGuesser() function    
    if origin == "random":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(randomStats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick

    #if the function is being run from the freqAnalysis(2) function        
    elif origin == "freq2":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(freq2Stats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick
    #if the function is being run from the freqAnalysis(5) function        
    elif origin == "freq5":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(freq5Stats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick

    #if the function is being run from the freqAnalysis(10) function        
    elif origin == "freq10":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(freq10Stats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick

    #if the function is being run from the freqAnalysis(100) function        
    elif origin == "freq100":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(freq100Stats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick

    #if the function is being run from the freqAnalysis(1000) function        
    elif origin == "freq1000":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(freq1000Stats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick

        #if the function is being run from the historyMatcher(2) function        
    elif origin == "history2":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(history2Stats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick
    #if the function is being run from the historyMatcher(5) function        
    elif origin == "history5":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(history5Stats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick

    #if the function is being run from the historyMatcher(10) function        
    elif origin == "history10":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(history10Stats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick

    #if the function is being run from the historyMatcher(100) function        
    elif origin == "history100":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(history100Stats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick

    #if the function is being run from the historyMatcher(1000) function        
    elif origin == "history1000":
        dictMax = returnDictMax(history1000Stats)
        pick = picker(dictMax)
        return pick

    #this is the origin value when we are updating the stats in the table
    elif origin == "test":
        return [winChecker(naive(), oppMoveHistory[-1]), winChecker(secondGuess(), oppMoveHistory[-1]), winChecker(thirdGuess(), oppMoveHistory[-1]), winChecker(oppNaive(), oppMoveHistory[-1]), winChecker(oppSecondGuess(), oppMoveHistory[-1]), winChecker(oppThirdGuess(), oppMoveHistory[-1])]

#the returnVal var is used so that the function can determine whether or not to return the predicted opponent's pick or the move that beats it
def randomGuesser(returnVal = "winning move"):
    oppPick = choices[random.randint(0,2)]
    if returnVal == "winning move":
        return metaStrategy(oppPick, "random")
    elif returnVal == "predicted move":
        return oppPick

#does frequency analysis within a specified range
def freqAnalysis(searchRange, returnVal = "winning move"):
    #stores number of each play within range
    dictPlaysInRange = {"R": 0, "P": 0, "S": 0}

    #stores a separate list to oppMoveHistory
    tempList = oppMoveHistory[-searchRange:]

    #updates dict
    for pick in tempList:
        dictPlaysInRange[pick] += 1

    #returns max
    oppPick = returnDictMax(dictPlaysInRange)
    if returnVal == "winning move":
        return metaStrategy(oppPick, "freq"+str(searchRange))
    elif returnVal == "predicted move":
        return oppPick

#searchRange is the range that the function will search in and checkSequence is a number which tells the function how many moves it wants to compare to
def historyMatcher(checkSequence, searchRange = len(oppMoveHistory), returnVal = "winning move"):
    #list that needs to be found
    checkList = oppMoveHistory[-checkSequence:]
    searchList = oppMoveHistory[-searchRange:-checkSequence]
    arrLength = len(searchList)
    oppPick = ""

    #runs as long as the array is longer than the list that needs to be found
    while (arrLength >= checkSequence):
        check = searchList[-checkSequence-1:-1]
        #if it is found, break out of the while loop
        if check == checkList:
            oppPick = searchList[-1]
        #remove last element from list
        #reset arrLength
        arrLength = len(searchList)
    #if nothing has been found, random (still debating whether to include or not)
    if oppPick == "":
        oppPick = choices[random.randint(0, 2)]
    if returnVal == "winning move":
        return metaStrategy(oppPick, "history"+str(checkSequence))
    elif returnVal == "predicted move":
        return oppPick

#updates relevant dict stats
def metaStratUpdater(winList, dictionaryName):
    for index, item in enumerate(winList):
        if item == "W":
            dictionaryName[metaStratList[index]] += 1
        elif item == "L":
                dictionaryName[metaStratList[index]] -= 1

#used to check for wins, losses and draws
def winChecker(output, _input):
    if output == _input:
        return "D"
    elif winningMoves[_input] == output:
        return "W"
    elif winningMoves[output] == _input:
        return "L"

stratFunctionList = [randomGuesser, freqAnalysis, historyMatcher]

#if the previous input is not empty
if input is not "":
    #add the opponents previous move to the list and increment the relevant value in the dictionary

    lenOfList = len(oppMoveHistory)

    #updates win/lose/draw results for each
    for function in stratFunctionList:
        if function is randomGuesser:
            #the move var is just the predicted move
            move = function()
            winList = metaStrategy(function("predicted move"), origin = "test")
            #check to see if that move would have won
            moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
            if moveResult == "W":
                winTypeCounter["random"] += 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, randomStats)
            elif moveResult == "L":
                winTypeCounter["random"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, randomStats)

        elif function is freqAnalysis:
            if lenOfList > 2:
                move = function(2)
                moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
                winList = metaStrategy(function(2, returnVal = "predicted move"), origin = "test")
                if moveResult == "W":
                    winTypeCounter["freq2"] += 1
                elif moveResult == "L":
                    winTypeCounter["freq2"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, freq2Stats)
            if lenOfList > 5:
                move = function(5)
                moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
                winList = metaStrategy(function(5, returnVal = "predicted move"), origin = "test")
                if moveResult == "W":
                    winTypeCounter["freq5"] += 1
                elif moveResult == "L":
                    winTypeCounter["freq5"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, freq5Stats)
            if lenOfList > 10:
                move = function(10)
                moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
                winList = metaStrategy(function(10, returnVal = "predicted move"), origin = "test")

                if moveResult == "W":
                    winTypeCounter["freq10"] += 1
                elif moveResult == "L":
                    winTypeCounter["freq10"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, freq10Stats)

            if lenOfList > 100:
                move = function(100)
                moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
                winList = metaStrategy(function(100, returnVal = "predicted move"), origin = "test")
                if moveResult == "W":
                    winTypeCounter["freq100"] += 1
                elif moveResult == "L":
                    winTypeCounter["freq100"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, freq100Stats)

            if lenOfList > 1000:
                move = function(1000)
                moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
                winList = metaStrategy(function(1000, returnVal = "predicted move"), origin = "test")

                if moveResult == "W":
                    winTypeCounter["freq1000"] += 1
                elif moveResult == "L":
                    winTypeCounter["freq1000"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, freq1000Stats)
        elif function is historyMatcher:
            if lenOfList > 4:
                move = function(2)
                moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
                winList = metaStrategy(function(2, lenOfList, returnVal = "predicted move"), origin = "test")
                if moveResult == "W":
                    winTypeCounter["history2"] += 1
                elif moveResult == "L":
                    winTypeCounter["history2"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, history2Stats)
            if lenOfList > 10:
                move = function(5)
                moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
                winList = metaStrategy(function(5, lenOfList, returnVal = "predicted move"), origin = "test")
                if moveResult == "W":
                    winTypeCounter["history5"] += 1
                elif moveResult == "L":
                    winTypeCounter["history5"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, history5Stats)
            if lenOfList > 20:
                move = function(10)
                moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
                winList = metaStrategy(function(10, lenOfList, returnVal = "predicted move"), origin = "test")

                if moveResult == "W":
                    winTypeCounter["history10"] += 1
                elif moveResult == "L":
                    winTypeCounter["history10"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, history10Stats)

            if lenOfList > 200:
                move = function(100)
                moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
                winList = metaStrategy(function(100, lenOfList, returnVal = "predicted move"), origin = "test")
                if moveResult == "W":
                    winTypeCounter["history100"] += 1
                elif moveResult == "L":
                    winTypeCounter["history100"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, history100Stats)

            if lenOfList > 2000:
                move = function(1000)
                moveResult = winChecker(move, input)
                winList = metaStrategy(function(1000, lenOfList, returnVal = "predicted move"), origin = "test")

                if moveResult == "W":
                    winTypeCounter["history1000"] += 1
                elif moveResult == "L":
                    winTypeCounter["history1000"] -= 1
                metaStratUpdater(winList, history1000Stats)

    playCounter[input] += 1

#first move is random
if len(oppMoveHistory) == 0:
    output = choices[random.randint(0, 2)]
    #the strategy that has the highest score is picked, if there is no "highest score" then random
    dictMax = returnDictMax(winTypeCounter)
    if winTypeCounter[dictMax] <= 0 or dictMax == "random":
        output = randomGuesser()
    elif dictMax == "freq2":
        output = freqAnalysis(2)
    elif dictMax == "freq5":
        output = freqAnalysis(5)
    elif dictMax == "freq10":
        output = freqAnalysis(10)
    elif dictMax == "freq100":
        output = freqAnalysis(100)
    elif dictMax == "freq1000":
        output = freqAnalysis(1000)
    elif dictMax == "history2":
        output = historyMatcher(2)
    elif dictMax == "history5":
        output = historyMatcher(5)
    elif dictMax == "history10":
        output = historyMatcher(10)
    elif dictMax == "history100":
        output = historyMatcher(100)
    elif dictMax == "history1000":
        output = historyMatcher(1000)

#not currently doing anything with this variable but...    

numPlays += 1