Author | jrps |
Submission date | 2015-05-03 12:41:37.391309 |
Rating | 3069 |
Matches played | 541 |
Win rate | 31.05 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
import random
def is_draw(move, opp_move):
if move == opp_move:
return True
return False
def is_win(move, opp_move):
if move == 0 and opp_move == 2:
return True
elif move == 2 and opp_move == 0:
return False
elif move > opp_move:
return True
return False
#set globals
if input == '':
rounds = 0
wins_using = [0, 0, 0] #[R P S]
rps_map = {0: "R", 1: "P", 2: "S"}
int_map = {"R": 0, "P": 1, "S": 2}
last_move = None
move_random = False #boolean
diff = 0 #difference in wins
threshold = 5#for going random
else: #not first move
last_opp_move = int_map[input]
#go random while your winning
if diff > threshold:
rand = True
elif diff < -1*threshold:
rand = False
#update stats (based on last round)
if last_move:
if is_draw(last_move, last_opp_move):
elif is_win(last_move, last_opp_move):
wins_using[last_move] += 1
diff += 1
else: #loss
wins_using[last_move] -= 1
diff -= 1
#compute next move
if move_random:
move = random.randint(0,2)
max_wins = max(wins_using)
max_win_moves = [i for i, w in enumerate(wins_using) if w == max_wins]
move = random.choice(max_win_moves)
#update vars
last_move = move
rounds += 1
output = rps_map[move]