Author | mad |
Submission date | 2017-05-11 07:59:36.099180 |
Rating | 4731 |
Matches played | 367 |
Win rate | 43.87 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
import random
def scoring(out):
reward = 0
if ((input == "R") and (out == "P")):
reward += 1.0
elif ((input == "P") and (out == "S")):
reward += 1.0
elif ((input == "S") and (out == "R")):
reward += 1.0
return reward
if (input == ""):
test = ""
rewards = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
scoreProb = 0
scoreRot0 = 0
scoreRot1 = 0
scoreRot2 = 0
scoreRndm = 0
scoreAlwaysR = 0
scoreAlwaysP = 0
scoreAlwaysS = 0
outHSM = random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])
rewards[0] = scoreHSM = 0
e_ta_R = 0.0
e_ta_P = 0.0
e_ta_S = 0.0
v_ra_R = 0.0
v_ra_P = 0.0
v_ra_S = 0.0
Pr_R = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
Pr_R[0] = 1.0/3.0
Pr_R[1] = 1.0/3.0
Pr_R[2] = 1.0/3.0
Pr_P = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
Pr_P[0] = 1.0/3.0
Pr_P[1] = 1.0/3.0
Pr_P[2] = 1.0/3.0
Pr_S = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
Pr_S[0] = 1.0/3.0
Pr_S[1] = 1.0/3.0
Pr_S[2] = 1.0/3.0
output_1 = ""
output_2 = ""
test += input
scoreHSM += scoring(outHSM)
rewards[0] = scoreHSM
for length in range(min(5, len(test)-1), 0, -1):
trova = test[-length:]
pos = test.rfind(trova, 0, (len(test) - length))
if (pos == -1):
outHSM = random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])
if (test[pos+length] == "R"):
outHSM = "P"
elif (test[pos+length] == "S"):
outHSM = "R"
outHSM = "S"
if (output_2 == ""):
outProb = random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])
rewards[8] = scoreProb
scoreProb += scoring(outProb)
if (input == "R") and (output_2 == "R"):
e_ta_R += 1.0
v_ra_R += 1.0
Pr_R[0] = (1.0 + e_ta_R)/(3.0 + v_ra_R)
elif (input == "P") and (output_2 == "R"):
e_ta_P += 1.0
v_ra_R += 1.0
Pr_R[1] = (1.0 + e_ta_P)/(3.0 + v_ra_R)
elif (input == "S") and (output_2 == "R"):
e_ta_S += 1.0
v_ra_R += 1.0
Pr_R[2] = (1.0 + e_ta_S)/(3.0 + v_ra_R)
if (input == "R") and (output_2 == "P"):
e_ta_R += 1.0
v_ra_P += 1.0
Pr_P[0] = (1.0 + e_ta_R)/(3.0 + v_ra_P)
elif (input == "P") and (output_2 == "P"):
e_ta_P += 1.0
v_ra_P += 1.0
Pr_P[1] = (1.0 + e_ta_P)/(3.0 + v_ra_P)
elif (input == "S") and (output_2 == "P"):
e_ta_S += 1.0
v_ra_P += 1.0
Pr_P[2] = (1.0 + e_ta_S)/(3.0 + v_ra_P)
if (input == "R") and (output_2 == "S"):
e_ta_R += 1.0
v_ra_S += 1.0
Pr_R[0] = (1.0 + e_ta_R)/(3.0 + v_ra_S)
elif (input == "P") and (output_2 == "S"):
e_ta_P += 1.0
v_ra_S += 1.0
Pr_R[1] = (1.0 + e_ta_P)/(3.0 + v_ra_S)
elif (input == "S") and (output_2 == "S"):
e_ta_S += 1.0
v_ra_S += 1.0
Pr_R[2] = (1.0 + e_ta_S)/(3.0 + v_ra_S)
if (output_1 == "R"):
max_Pr_R = 0
maxIndex_Pr_R = 0
for i in range(len(Pr_R)):
if Pr_R[i] > max:
max = Pr_R[i]
maxIndex_Pr_R = i
if (maxIndex_Pr_R == 0):
outProb = "R"
elif (maxIndex_Pr_R == 1):
outProb = "P"
elif (maxIndex_Pr_R == 2):
outProb = "S"
elif (output_1 == "P"):
max_Pr_P = 0
maxIndex_Pr_P = 0
for i in range(len(Pr_P)):
if (Pr_P[i] > max):
max = Pr_P[i]
maxIndex_Pr_P = i
if (maxIndex_Pr_P == 0):
outProb = "R"
elif (maxIndex_Pr_P == 1):
outProb = "P"
elif (maxIndex_Pr_P == 2):
outProb = "S"
elif (output_1 == "S"):
max_Pr_S = 0
maxIndex_Pr_S = 0
for i in range(len(Pr_S)):
if (Pr_S[i] > max):
max = Pr_S[i]
maxIndex_Pr_S = i
if (maxIndex_Pr_S == 0):
outProb = "R"
elif (maxIndex_Pr_S == 1):
outProb = "P"
elif (maxIndex_Pr_S == 2):
outProb = "S"
if (input == ""):
outRot0 = random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])
rewards[1] = scoreRot0 = 0
outRot0 = {'R':'R', 'P':'P', 'S':'S'}[input]
scoreRot0 += scoring(outRot0)
rewards[1] = scoreRot0
if (input == ""):
outRot1 = random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])
rewards[2] = scoreRot1 = 0
outRot1 = {'R':'P', 'P':'S', 'S':'R'}[input]
scoreRot1 += scoring(outRot1)
rewards[2] = scoreRot1
if (input == ""):
outRot2 = random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])
rewards[3] = scoreRot2 = 0
outRot2 = {'R':'S', 'P':'R', 'S':'P'}[input]
scoreRot2 += scoring(outRot2)
rewards[3] = scoreRot2
outRndm = random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])
scoreRndm += scoring(outRndm)
rewards[4] = scoreRndm
outAlwaysR = 'R'
scoreAlwaysR += scoring(outAlwaysR)
rewards[5] = scoreAlwaysR
outAlwaysP = 'P'
scoreAlwaysP += scoring(outAlwaysP)
rewards[6] = scoreAlwaysP
outAlwaysS = 'S'
scoreAlwaysS += scoring(outAlwaysS)
rewards[7] = scoreAlwaysS
max = 0
maxIndex = 0
for i in range(len(rewards)):
if rewards[i] > max:
max = rewards[i]
maxIndex = i
if (maxIndex == 0):
output = outHSM
elif (maxIndex == 1):
output = outRot0
elif (maxIndex == 2):
output = outRot1
elif (maxIndex == 3):
output = outRot2
elif (maxIndex == 4):
output = outRndm
elif (maxIndex == 5):
output = outAlwaysR
elif (maxIndex == 6):
output = outAlwaysP
elif (maxIndex == 7):
output = outAlwaysS
elif (maxIndex == 8):
output = outProb
output_2 = output_1
output_1 = output