Author | swaggymcflash |
Submission date | 2018-06-12 22:48:48.008870 |
Rating | 2611 |
Matches played | 295 |
Win rate | 22.71 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
# Strategy:
# Use KT mixture to make sequential predictions.
if input == "":
import random, collections, math
def argmax(lst):
return lst.index(max(lst))
# Make prediction based on probability distribution defined by:
# probs = [p1, p2, p3] = [prob(Rock), prob(Paper), prob(Scissors)]
def get_pred(probs):
# if one probability dominates others, choose that one
# ex. [0.1, 0.1, 0.8] -> just pick 3 (scissors)
thresh = 0.5
if max(probs) > thresh:
return argmax(probs)
roll = random.random()
if roll <= probs[0]:
return 0 # rock
elif roll <= probs[0] + probs[1]:
return 1 # paper
return 2 #scissors
alpha = 1/2 # KT
# alpha = 1 # Laplace
cnts = [alpha] * 3
dct = {"R": 0, "P":1, "S":2}
lst = ["R", "P", "S"]
output = random.choice(["R", "P", "S"])
cnts[dct[input]] += 1
# output = lst[(argmax(cnts) + 1) % 3]
probs = [x/sum(cnts) for x in cnts]
output = lst[(get_pred(probs) + 1) % 3]