Author | Marwa Rakesh |
Submission date | 2019-06-24 18:45:50.630821 |
Rating | 4570 |
Matches played | 238 |
Win rate | 47.06 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
import random as rm
import collections as cl
inputList = []
outputList = []
winCounter = 0
eventR_After_S = 0
eventS_After_R = 0
eventS_After_P = 0
eventP_After_S = 0
eventP_After_R = 0
eventR_After_P = 0
eventP_After_P = 0
eventS_After_S = 0
eventR_After_R = 0
def prob(a,b):
return round((a/b),2)
def probAgivenB(a,b,eventCount):
inCnt = cl.Counter(inputList)
countB = inCnt[b]
totalCount = len(inputList)
probB_and_A = prob(eventCount,totalCount)
probB = prob(countB,totalCount)
probA_given_B = round((probB_and_A/probB),2)
return probA_given_B
if input == "": # initialize variables for the first round
output1 = rm.choice(['P','S','R'])
n = len(inputList)
if n > 2:
last = inputList[-1]
secondLast = inputList[-2]
outputLast = outputList[-1]
if(last == "R" and outputLast == "P"):
winCounter += 1
elif(last == "S" and outputLast == "R"):
winCounter += 1
elif(last == "P" and outputLast == "S"):
winCounter += 1
if(last == secondLast == "R"):
eventR_After_R += 1
output1 = "P"
elif(last == secondLast == "P"):
eventP_After_P += 1
output1 = "S"
elif(last == secondLast == "S"):
eventS_After_S += 1
output1 = "R"
elif(secondLast == "R" and last == "P"):
eventP_After_R += 1
output1 = "S"
elif(secondLast == "P" and last == "R"):
eventR_After_P += 1
output1 = "P"
elif(secondLast == "P" and last == "S"):
eventS_After_P += 1
output1 = "R"
elif(secondLast == "S" and last == "P"):
eventP_After_S += 1
output1 = "S"
elif(secondLast == "S" and last == "R"):
eventR_After_S += 1
output1 = "P"
elif(secondLast == "R" and last == "S"):
eventS_After_R += 1
output1 = "R"
output1 = rm.choice(['P','S','R'])
if(last == 'R'):
probS_R = probAgivenB('S','R',eventR_After_S)
probP_R = probAgivenB('P','R',eventR_After_P)
probR_R = probAgivenB('R','R',eventR_After_R)
#if max(probS_R,probP_R,probR_R) > 0.5:
if((probS_R > probP_R) and (probS_R > probR_R)):
output1 = "R"
elif((probP_R > probS_R) and (probP_R > probR_R)):
output1 = "S"
elif((probR_R > probS_R) and (probR_R > probP_R)):
output1 = "P"
elif(last == 'P'):
probS_P = probAgivenB('S','P',eventP_After_S)
probP_P = probAgivenB('P','P',eventP_After_P)
probR_P = probAgivenB('R','P',eventP_After_R)
#if max(probS_P,probP_P,probR_P) > 0.5:
if((probS_P > probP_P) and (probS_P > probR_P)):
output1 = "R"
elif((probP_P > probS_P) and (probP_P > probR_P)):
output1 = "S"
elif((probR_P > probS_P) and (probR_P > probP_P)):
output1 = "P"
elif(last == 'S'):
probS_S = probAgivenB('S','S',eventS_After_S)
probP_S = probAgivenB('P','S',eventS_After_P)
probR_S = probAgivenB('R','S',eventS_After_R)
#if max(probS_S,probP_S,probR_S) > 0.5:
if((probS_S > probP_S) and (probS_S > probR_S)):
output1 = "R"
elif((probP_S > probS_S) and (probP_S > probR_S)):
output1 = "S"
elif((probR_S > probS_S) and (probR_S > probP_S)):
output1 = "P"
output1 = rm.choice(['P','S','R'])
output = output1