
Submission date2017-02-26 09:13:40.817681
Matches played368
Win rate69.84

Use rpsrunner.py to play unranked matches on your computer.

Source code:

#                                                                             #
# This is Swordsman, an RPS program written by PotentProton.                  #
#                                                                             #
# Swordsman is much lower complexity than other Rock Paper Scissors programs  #
# that achieve similar performance. It consists of only two parts.            #
#                                                                             #
# In the first part, Swordsman tries to match the most recent moves within    #
# the full history of both players' moves. Longer matches are prioritized, as #
# are more recent matches. When a match is found, we assume that the next     #
# move will be the same as the last time this matched sequence of moves       #
# occurred.                                                                   #
#                                                                             #
# In the second part, we apply a meta-strategy. This helps to protect against #
# opponents who might detect that we are using this strategy, and then be     #
# able to accurately predict our moves because of this. Including the basic   #
# history matching strategy, there are 6 total meta-strategies. We can mirror #
# our strategy by assuming our opponent has the standard strategy, read the   #
# history as if we are the opponent, and just play whatever beats that move.  #
# We then have 2 meta-strategies, which mirror each other. We then can rotate #
# these strategies (R->P,P->S,S->R) to get to 6. Each meta-strategy will be   #
# very strong against one meta-strategy, and very weak against another.       #
#                                                                             #
# If we track the expected score per turn of each meta-strategy (add 1 when   #
# it wins, subtract one when it loses), we can get a good idea of which one   #
# will be most successful. However, we also care more about recent results,   #
# because we need to be reacting to what are opponent is doing right now      #
# (they can switch between meta-strategies also). We therefore remove weight  #
# from older results, to make them less significant.                          #
#                                                                             #
# Because this program is so simple, it is able to do a full history search.  #
# More complicated strategies involving pattern-matching require more limited #
# searches to fit within the time requirements.                               #
#                                                                             #

import random

if input == "":
	# Create read-only useful conversion structures. #

	# Convert input+output pair to shorthand:
	iop2sh = {'RR':'0','RP':'1','RS':'2','PR':'3','PP':'4','PS':'5','SR':'6','SP':'7','SS':'8'}
	# Get input from shorthand:
	sh2i   = { '0':'R', '1':'R', '2':'R', '3':'P', '4':'P', '5':'P', '6':'S', '7':'S', '8':'S'}
	# Get output from shorthand:
	sh2o   = { '0':'R', '1':'P', '2':'S', '3':'R', '4':'P', '5':'S', '6':'R', '7':'P', '8':'S'}
	# Get move that beats given move:
	beat = {'R':'P','P':'S','S':'R'}
	# Get move that loses to given move:
	lose = {'R':'S','P':'R','S':'P'}
	# Initialize more data structures. #
	# Move history, for analysis:
	hist = ''
	# Current move number:
	now = 0
	# Output selections and scores for meta strategies:
	mo = ['X'] * 6
	msc = [0.0] * 6
	# Select move. #
	# Since we have no data to go on, we use randomness.
	output = random.choice(['R','P','S'])
	# Update raw data. #
	# Record most recent input output pair:
	hist += iop2sh[input+output]
	# Increment the move number:
	now += 1
	# Update meta strategy scores. We add a decay multiplier of 0.9 to give
	# more weight to more recent events.
	for i in xrange(0,len(mo)):
		# Check that there has actually been a prediction.
		if mo[i] != 'X':
			if mo[i] == beat[input]:
				msc[i] += 1.0
			elif mo[i] == lose[input]:
				msc[i] -= 1.0
			msc[i] *= 0.9
	# Do pattern matching #
	# We search for a sequence of events in the history which matches recent
	# events. We try to match longer and longer strings until we fail. The
	# Python rfind function starts at the end of the list and searches
	# backwards, giving us the most recent occurrence of a sequence. Note that
	# the for loop will not run if now < 2.
	match = -1
	for i in xrange(1,now-1):
		localmatch = hist[:(now-1)].rfind(hist[-i:])
		if localmatch != -1:
			# match was found, update with the new best match.
			match = localmatch + i
			# no reason to continue, next iteration is strictly harder to
			# match.

	if match == -1:
		# No match could be found, so we pick a random output.
		output = random.choice(['R','P','S'])
		# Also reset the meta moves so that we don't rescore moves twice.
		mo = ['X'] * 6
		# Get shorthand of match from history.
		shmatch = hist[match]
		# Get input/output from shorthand of match.
		imatch = sh2i[shmatch]
		omatch = sh2o[shmatch]
		# Select output using best meta strategy. #
		# Select outputs desired by different strategies.
		mo[0] = imatch
		mo[1] = beat[imatch]
		mo[2] = lose[imatch]
		mo[3] = omatch
		mo[4] = beat[omatch]
		mo[5] = lose[omatch]
		# Find strategy with highest expected value.
		maxmo = 'X' # Output of best meta-strategy.
		maxmsc = -1001 # Score of best meta-strategy.
		maxvalid = 0 # Maximum invalidated in case of conflicting tie.
		for i in xrange(0,len(mo)):
			if msc[i] > maxmsc:
				maxmo = mo[i]
				maxmsc = msc[i]
				maxvalid = 1
			elif (msc[i] == maxmsc) and (mo[i] != maxmo):
				# In the case of a tie between meta strategies, and the meta
				# strategies select different outputs, we should pick a random
				# output instead.
				maxvalid = 0
		if maxvalid:
			output = maxmo
			# Picking random output because of meta strategy tie.
			output = random.choice(['R','P','S'])