
Submission date2018-03-29 03:24:03.625160
Matches played297
Win rate19.19

Use to play unranked matches on your computer.

Source code:

import random
winEas,loseEas,tieEas = 0.0,0.0,0.0

round = 0
previ = 0

buildTMatrix = {'rr': 1, 'rp': 1, 'rs': 1, 'pr': 1, 'pp': 1, 'ps': 1, 'sr': 1, 'sp': 1, 'ss': 1}
buildTMatrixL = {'rr': 1, 'rp': 1, 'rs': 1, 'pr': 1, 'pp': 1, 'ps': 1, 'sr': 1, 'sp': 1, 'ss': 1}
buildTMatrixT = {'rr': 1, 'rp': 1, 'rs': 1, 'pr': 1, 'pp': 1, 'ps': 1, 'sr': 1, 'sp': 1, 'ss': 1}

n = 3
m = 3
tMatrix = [[0] * m for i in range(n)]
tMatrixL = [[0] * m for i in range(n)]
tMatrixT = [[0] * m for i in range(n)]

probabilitiesRPS = [1/3,1/3,1/3]
probabilitiesRPSL = [1/3,1/3,1/3]

if input == "":
    global probabilitiesRPS
    choices = ["Rock","Paper","Scissors"]
    choi = ['r','p','s']
    select = ['R','P','S']
    continuePlaying = True
    prevChoice = ""
    probRock = 0
    probPaper = 0
    probScissors = 0
    machineChoice = random.randint(0, 2)
    output = select[machineChoice]
    round += 1
elif input == "R" and round == 1:
    previ = secondRound(0)
    round += 1
elif input == "P" and round == 1:
    previ = secondRound(1)
    round += 1
elif input == "S" and round == 1:
    previ = secondRound(2)
    round += 1
elif input == "R":
    previ = markov (previ,0)
elif input == "P":
    previ = markov (previ,1)
elif input == "S":
    previ = markov (previ,2)

def secondRound(cur):
    global probabilitiesRPS
    choices = ["Rock","Paper","Scissors"]
    choi = ['r','p','s']
    select = ['R','P','S']
    continuePlaying = True
    probRock = 0
    probPaper = 0
    probScissors = 0
    machineChoice = random.randint(0, 2)
    output = select[machineChoice]
    prevChoice = cur
    return prevChoice

def markov(prev,now):
    global probabilitiesRPS
    choices = ["Rock","Paper","Scissors"]
    select = ['R','P','S']
    choi = ['r','p','s']
    prevChoice = prev
    probRock = 0
    probPaper = 0
    probScissors = 0
    machineChoice = random.randint(0, 2)
    choice = now
    result = ""

    transMatrix = buildTransitionProbabilities(prevChoice,choice,result)
    machineChoice = random.randint(1, 100)
    probabilitiesRPS[0] = transMatrix[prevChoice][0]
    probabilitiesRPS[1] = transMatrix[prevChoice][1]
    probabilitiesRPS[2] = transMatrix[prevChoice][2]
    rangeR = probabilitiesRPS[0] * 100
    rangeP = probabilitiesRPS[1] * 100 + probabilitiesRPS[0]
    if (machineChoice <= rangeR):
        machineChoice = 1
    elif (machineChoice <= rangeP):
        machineChoice = 2
        machineChoice = 0
    result = checkWin(choice,machineChoice,1)
    prevChoice = choice
    return prevChoice

def buildTransitionProbabilities(pC,c,winloss):
  global buildTMatrix
  global buildTMatrixL
  global buildTMatrixT
  choi = ['r','p','s']

  if winloss == "Win!":
    for i, x in buildTMatrix.items():
      if ('%s%s' % (choi[pC],choi[c]) == i):
        buildTMatrix['%s%s' % (choi[pC], choi[c])] += 1
  elif winloss == "Tied!":
    for i, x in buildTMatrixT.items():
      if ('%s%s' % (choi[pC],choi[c]) == i):
        buildTMatrixT['%s%s' % (choi[pC], choi[c])] += 1
    for i, x in buildTMatrixL.items():
      if ('%s%s' % (choi[pC],choi[c]) == i):
        buildTMatrixL['%s%s' % (choi[pC], choi[c])] += 1

  return buildTransitionMatrix(winloss)

def buildTransitionMatrix(winlosstwo):
  global tMatrix
  global tMatrixL
  global tMatrixT

  if winlosstwo == "Win!":
    rock = buildTMatrix['rr'] + buildTMatrix['rs'] +buildTMatrix['rp']
    paper = buildTMatrix['pr'] + buildTMatrix['ps'] +buildTMatrix['pp']
    scissors = buildTMatrix['sr'] + buildTMatrix['ss'] +buildTMatrix['sp']
    choi = ['r','p','s']
    for row_index, row in enumerate(tMatrix):
      for col_index, item in enumerate(row):
          a = int(buildTMatrix['%s%s' % (choi[row_index],choi[col_index])])
          if (row_index == 0):
            c = a/rock
          elif (row_index == 1):
            c = a/paper
            c = a/scissors
          row[col_index] = float(c)
    return (tMatrix)
  elif winlosstwo == "Tied!":
    rock = buildTMatrixT['rr'] + buildTMatrixT['rs'] +buildTMatrixT['rp']
    paper = buildTMatrixT['pr'] + buildTMatrixT['ps'] +buildTMatrixT['pp']
    scissors = buildTMatrixT['sr'] + buildTMatrixT['ss'] +buildTMatrixT['sp']
    choi = ['r','p','s']
    for row_index, row in enumerate(tMatrixT):
      for col_index, item in enumerate(row):
          a = int(buildTMatrixT['%s%s' % (choi[row_index],choi[col_index])])
          if (row_index == 0):
            c = a/rock
          elif (row_index == 1):
            c = a/paper
            c = a/scissors
          row[col_index] = float(c)
    return (tMatrixT)

    rock = buildTMatrixL['rr'] + buildTMatrixL['rs'] +buildTMatrixL['rp']
    paper = buildTMatrixL['pr'] + buildTMatrixL['ps'] +buildTMatrixL['pp']
    scissors = buildTMatrixL['sr'] + buildTMatrixL['ss'] +buildTMatrixL['sp']
    choi = ['r','p','s']
    for row_index, row in enumerate(tMatrixL):
      for col_index, item in enumerate(row):
          a = int(buildTMatrixL['%s%s' % (choi[row_index],choi[col_index])])
          if (row_index == 0):
            c = a/rock
          elif (row_index == 1):
            c = a/paper
            c = a/scissors
          row[col_index] = float(c)
    return (tMatrixL)

def checkWin(user, machine,mode):
  win = False
  tie = False
  if(user == 0):
    if(machine == 2):
      win = True
      tie = False
    elif (machine == 1):
      win = False
      tie = False
      tie = True
  elif(user == 1):
    if(machine == 0):
      win = True
      tie = False
    elif (machine == 2):
      win = False
      tie = False
      tie = True
    if(machine == 1):
      win = True
      tie = False
    elif (machine == 0):
      win = False
      tie = False
      tie = True

  if(tie == True):
    return "Tied!"
    return "Win!"
    return "Lose!"

def checkStats(wlt,modeChosen):
  global winEas
  global loseEas
  global tieEas

  if (modeChosen == 1):
    if (wlt == 0):
      winEas += 1
    elif (wlt == 1):
      loseEas += 1
      tieEas += 1