Author | zanzaaa |
Submission date | 2017-12-07 22:03:04.765380 |
Rating | 5174 |
Matches played | 336 |
Win rate | 52.08 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
#program is a simplified version of the derp_v6 program added with the novice new york times program
import random
if input == "":
comp_wins = 0
win = ['RP', 'PS', 'SR']
comp_move = ''
input_prediction = ''
x = 0
randumb = 1
strats = 1
opponents_moves = ''
if input == 'R':
opponents_moves + 'R'
elif input == 'P':
opponents_moves + 'P'
opponents_moves + 'S'
last5 = opponents_moves[-5:]
def count_substring(STR, SUB):
count = 0
for i in range(len(STR)-1):
if SUB[i:i+1] == 'R' or 'P' or 'S':
count += 1
return count
countP = count_substring(opponents_moves, last5 + 'P')
countR = count_substring(opponents_moves, last5 + 'R')
countS = count_substring(opponents_moves, last5 + 'S')
x += 1
if (input+output) in win:
comp_wins +=1
if input_prediction == input:
strats += 1
randumb += 1
if input == 'R':
opponents_moves + 'R'
elif input == 'P':
opponents_moves + 'P'
opponents_moves + 'S'
randumb *= 0.97
strats *= 0.97
if x >=5:
if random.random() < strats/(strats+randumb):
if countP > countR and countP > countS:
output = 'S'
elif countS > countR:
output = 'R'
output = 'P'
elif random.random() > strats/(strats+randumb):
if random.random() > comp_wins/(comp_wins-strats) > strats/(strats+randumb):
output = 'R'
elif random.random() < comp_wins/(comp_wins-strats):
output = 'P'
output = 'S'
if x > 500 and comp_wins < 100:
output = random.choice(['R','P','S'])
output = random.choice(['R','P','S'])