
Submission date2017-12-14 15:39:44.875820
Matches played302
Win rate16.23

Use rpsrunner.py to play unranked matches on your computer.

Source code:

if input == "": # initialize variables for the first round
    totalCount = rockCount = paperCount = scissorsCount = 0
    moves = ""

elif input == "R":
    totalCount += 1
    moves = moves + "R"

elif input == "P":
    totalCount += 1
    moves = moves + "P"

elif input == "S":
    totalCount += 1
    moves += "S"

if len(moves) > 4:
    lastChars = moves[-4:]
    lastChars = ""

print lastChars

def count_substring(STR, SUB):
    n = len(SUB)   # SUB is lastChars + R, S, or P
    if len(STR) < n:
        return 0

    occurCount = 0

    lastPosition = n-1

    firstPosition = 0

    occurCount = 0

    while lastPosition < totalCount:

        lastPosition += 1
        firstPosition += 1

        if SUB == STR[firstPosition:lastPosition]:
            occurCount += 1
    return occurCount

rockCount = count_substring(moves, lastChars+"R")
paperCount = count_substring(moves, lastChars+"P")
scissorsCount = count_substring(moves, lastChars+"S")

if rockCount > paperCount and rockCount > scissorsCount:
    output = "P" # paper beats rock
elif paperCount >= scissorsCount and paperCount >= scissorsCount:
    output = "S" # scissors beats paper
    output = "R" # rock beats scissors