Author | Tay Li |
Submission date | 2013-03-04 03:42:49.326487 |
Rating | 7172 |
Matches played | 702 |
Win rate | 74.36 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
import random, math
K = 3
CAP = 3 ** (2 * K) + 3
def win (a, b):
return (a + 1) % 3 == b
def prob_choose (cur):
tchoice = cur[0] + cur[1] + cur[2]
seed = random.randint (0, tchoice - 1)
if (seed < cur[0]):
return 0
elif (seed < cur[0] + cur[1]):
return 1
return 2
def best_choose (cur):
if (cur[0] > cur [1] and cur[0] > cur[2]):
return 0
elif (cur[1] > cur[2]):
return 1
return 2
#make array of moves for given state and randomly sample from those moves
def move (a):
global output
output = state [a]
mymove.append (a)
def get_key (a):
key = 0
for i in range (a, a + K):
key = 9 * key + 3 * mymove [i] + oppmove [i]
return key
if input == "":
state = ["R","S","P"]
counter = ["P", "R", "S"]
st = [0,1,2]
cntr = [2,0,1]
sdic = {"R":0, "S":1, "P":2}
freq = [[1 for j in range (3)] for i in range (CAP)]
mymove = []
oppmove = []
oppmove.append (sdic[input])
#assert len (oppmove) == len (mymove) and len (oppmove) == N
N = len (oppmove)
if (N > K):
freq [get_key (N - K - 1)][sdic[input]] += 1
cur = freq [get_key (N - K)]
mv = cntr [prob_choose (cur)]
move (mv)
move (random.randint (0,2))